A guide to fashion trends and jewellery of all types

Fashion is important for society and for each of us. What we wear tells, before anything else, who we are or who we would like to be.

The fashion industry is too often considered a frivolous, useless and ephemeral sector. Many people do not understand its importance.

Worldwide, the value of the fashion industry is estimated at $ 3 trillion. In the UK economy, fashion represents 26 billion pounds.

This sector employs more than 57 million people, 80% of whom are women, in developing countries. So, who said fashion did not matter?

Fashion is much more than appearance
Despite its flaws, the fashion sector is able to propagate any idea in a very effective and consistent way, without forgetting another essential element: making it trendy.
Clothing allows us to meet our most basic needs in terms of protection and warmth. However, the role of fashion is evolving into the areas of health and wellbeing, and is starting to go beyond these simple needs. Several inventions illustrate this evolution.

A new year, new fashion trends
A year that, like others, promises to be rich in fashion trends, daring in style and promises to give (still) glory to retro styles!

Pearl bags
Do not sell your pretty pearl bag this summer; it is still very trendy in 2019. And women don’t even hesitate to wear it in winter!

The corduroy trend
It will be more than ever present in the industry in 2019. Worn in a blazer, a skirt, pants or in a combination, the corduroy is very popular!

Small purses
The smaller the cute! It will work again in 2019 but it may be that its opponent, the XXL purse, still has a say in the fashion world. A situation worth watching!

Cowboy boots
Is it the vintage effect that made the cowboy boots this cool? In any case, it seems that the cowboy clothing is always up to date. You rock!

The animal print
The era of animal prints is not over, as it seems, it’s just beginning! It’s just another year on the list of trends for animal print fashion and accessories!

Fashion for women
Women are known to have a very close relationship with fashion, and especially with clothes, this has been going on since the dawn of time. The stylists have understood that and made a great income of it. 7 out of 10 women follow fashion trends, and have at least one known brand in their wardrobe. Not to mention female celebrities that are all over news outlets and social media. You can easily access their latest news by visiting this website specialized in celebrities’ fashion and trends: spott.tv

Jewelry is an identity revealer
Jewels, whether precious or fantasy ones, speak of us as they make any sign of belonging to a religious, ethnic, professional, political or sexual group visible to others. Messengers of love, symbols of seduction or submission, objects of superstition … They tell, in their own way, our social identity, if we are married, if we have inherited, if we have a child…

Ou relationship with jewelry
Beyond the conscious messages it delivers, jewelry is part of our story and can reveal our unconscious personality. Whether the jewels are discreet or ostentatious, they always express our tastes and our relationship to femininity and testify to our family history or love. Our relationship with jewels is a complex one which is very rich in meaning.

More than a symbol
Jewels do not only have a role of identity representation. A necklace or brooch will enhance the neckline, a glittering ring or a shiny bracelet will have a sensual connotation, earrings will sublimate the face, jewelry can highlight the body and the whole silhouette. Offering a string of pearls to a girl for her 18th birthday means she is now a woman.
Jewelry trends
We just can’t get tired of exploring the jewelry world! In the clothing departments and accessory drawers, each new season brings a lot of trends. Between new lengths in fashion, collector bracelets, collection lessons and creative fantasies, here we give you an overview of the jewelry trends that will punctuate the year and we unlock the jewelry box to deliver to you some of the biggest and most sought-after trends.

Medals are vintage accessories. Once offered to children at baptism and other important ceremonies, they are more fashionable than ever!

Gold, pink gold or silver, it’s up to you to twister your classics with a few well-placed bursts for jewels that are easy to use and wear.

They invite themselves into all fashion pieces, including our jewelry and that’s good! The shellfish boom is an ideal trend for this year!

Coming from faraway lands, the ethnic trend is still and always be popular and trendy! Enjoy exotic appearances and look unique!

Jewelry for men
The general interest of men for fashion that can be seen in recent years is obviously accompanied by a boom in each sector: clothing, leather goods, luxury…But the most surprising is undoubtedly the sector of jewels, which hardly existed anymore. So what are the reasons for this return to the top and what are the trends?